Thursday 1 October 2015

India...what a curious country.

Indian culture is very different from the occidental, and sometimes, some things they do may feel strange to us, but not to them, and same happens the other way around. When they come to Spain, they get horrified with bullfights for example.

In India, moving the head from left to right means yes, so if you ever go to India, and they ask you something in hindi, remember to do the oposite as you will do here in Spain; because if not, you may end up being married with an Indian girl, and go back to Spain without even knowing.

Another thing that is strange to occidental people is the amount of animals there are in the city; imagine having a walk in the middle of Madrid, and a monkey steals your phone! Or imagine waiting in your car to go ahead, and a cow is in the middle of the road... and the worst thing is, you cannot touch it because is sacred, you will just have to wait until she wants to move.

animals in India

Another curious thing about India is the traffic. We have all been in the M-40 in a traffic jam, and its horrible, but that is nothing compared with indian traffic jams (which also includes cows), there is practically no rules. If you ever go to India, don't get in a car and follow my advice; get a motorcycle.

As its said, an image worth a thousand words; take a look at this video of Indian traffic, it is madness:

All this does not mean it is bad, it just means that is different.

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