According to statistics, the most part of the people living on less than 1.25 US dollars/day belongs to South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Of these 1,200 million of persons, the third part of them live in India.

India had the highest number of deaths for children under five years old in the world.

In addition, studies indicate that almost the 60 percent of the people who practice defecation outdoors live in India.

His religion also affects their poor living conditions because they treat cows as gods, when they are dying of starvation.

Several ONGs are centered in help this country and there are people like Teresa of Calcutta, a Catholic religious sister and missionary who founded the Congregation of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta and she looked after the poor, sick, orphaned people in India during more than 45 years.

A good example where people can see these terrible facts is in the film “Slumdog Millionaire”, where is showed the poor and bad living conditions that two brothers have, Jamal and Salim Malik and their friend Latika. They lost their family who lived in a slum of India. They suffer difficult situations; they are used by criminals for begging and earn money.

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